A new form of Protophysics discerns clues to a deeper form of reality: it lies before, after, beyond, and within the more familiar universe, which is described by mainstream physics. "Tractatus" is a philosophic approach; it tries to give the preliminary outlines for a corresponding "Philosophy in a New Key". It delineates an infinite "megaverse", which seems weird at first sight and comforting at the same time. Seemingly incompatible realms of experience such as "The Structure of the Megaverse", "The Frames for Unfolding and Evolution", "The Role of Cognition and Emotion in the Universe", "The Universality of Love", "The Reality of Prayer and God", "The Roots of Logic and Logos" fall into place: they appear to join in a harmonious whole. The New Philosophy relies on "biperspectivism" as the deepest structure in the Megaverse and in the human mind. Biperspectivism has many forms and names: "Energy vs. Information" is one of them. (Schopenhauer's "Wille und Vorstellung" is but an echo of it all.) In the view of this philosophy, a New Physics spontaneously begets a new METAphysics