Helmut Pirc A Pocket Compendium for Pruning Ornamental Shrubs and Trees Prune correctly and double your flowering If youre familiar with your plants growth forms and characteristics, its also easy to achieve the desired results by applying the right pruning measures. The most important fundamentals, growth principles and pruning tools. 40 plant profiles with exact pruning procedures for training, maintenance and rejuvenation, and the right time to prune. Numerous illustrations and clear drawings make it easier for you to implement the techniques. Easytoremember symbols in the plant profiles for flowering time, foliage and desired shoot development provide information at a glance.
Helmut Pirc, Wien, ist Leiter der Abteilung Gehölzkunde und Baumschulwesen am Lehr- und Forschungszentrum für Gartenbau in Wien-Schönbrunn.