A Compendium of Trees and Shrubs from A-Z There are a tremendous variety of trees and shrubs suitable for planting in the garden. This valuable reference guide will help you to keep an overview, and to select the right trees and shrubs for particular garden situations. There are descriptions of some 1,500 deciduous and needle trees and shrubs that grow under central European climate conditions, are easily available commercially and can be incorporated within the scale of a domestic garden. More than 800 illustrations show the plants from their most appealing side. With his many publications, the author, Andreas Bärtels, is one of Germanys best-known dendrologists.
Helmut Pirc, Wien, ist Leiter der Abteilung Gehölzkunde und Baumschulwesen am Lehr- und Forschungszentrum für Gartenbau in Wien-Schönbrunn.