Seminar paper from the year 2009 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: 1,0, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), language: English, abstract: Nowadays western world consumers face an infinite quantity of products that are in many cases sold in numerous countries all over the world. Modern communication technologies allow multinational companies to perform their marketing strategies on a global level, due to the possibility of executing cross-border transactions more and more efficiently in the short term. However in what way has the consequential development of growing together an effect on marketing relevant socio-cultural differences? The following paragraphs treat first and foremost the significance of intercultural aspects for global and local marketing strategies. Gathering different point of views towards brand characters shows the interest of a non-categorized thinking concerning brand perception. The initial definitions global- local brands are already suggestive of the ambiguous character of brands. Analyzing adaptation and standardizing branding strategies leads finally to the principal result of this work: reasoning that successful global branding always implies the creation of a strong brand personality.