InhaltsangabeI. The Essentials of Data Warehousing. 1. Gaining Data Warehouse Success. 2. The Executive's FAQ for Data Warehousing. II. The Business Side of Data Warehousing. 3. Understanding Where You Are and Finding Your Way. 4. IT Business Partnerships. 5. Setting Up a Successful Project. 6. Providing Requirements. III. Dealing with the Data. 7. Modeling the Data for Your Business. 8. Managing Data as a Corporate Asset. IV. Building the Project. 9. Architecture, Infrastructure, and Tools. 10. Implementation: Building the Database. 11. Data Delivery - What You Finally See. V. Next Steps/Expanding on Success. 12. Managing the Production Data Warehouse. 13.Achieving Long Term Success. Glossary. Index.
Laura L. Reeves, coauthor of The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit, has over 23 years of experience in end-to-end data warehouse development focused on developing comprehensive project plans, collecting business requirements, designing business dimensional models and database schemas, and creating enterprise data warehouse strategies and data architectures.