InhaltsangabeIntroduction; M. Straskraba, J.G. Tundisi, A. Duncan. Part I: Comparative. I. A test of Hydropothesis Relating to the Comparative Limnology and Assessment of Eutrophication in Semi-Arid Man-Made Lakes; J.A. Thornton, W. Rast. II. Limnology and Management of Reservoirs in Brazil; J.G. Tundisi, T. Matsumura-Tundisi, M.C. Caliguri. III. Problems in Reservoir Trophic-State Classification and Implications for Reservoir Management; O.T. Lind, T.T. Terrell, B.L. Kimmel. IV. Limnology of Subalpine Pump-Storage Reservoirs; B. Kiefer, D. Imboden, F. Schanz. Part II: Mathematical Models and New Techniques. V. A Hierarchy of Mathematical Models: Towards Understanding the Physical Processes in Reservoirs; B. Henderson-Sellers. VI. Modelling of Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes in Polish Lakes and Reservoirs; J. Uchmanski, W. Szeligiewicz, M. Loga. VII. Sedimentation and Mineralization of Seston in a Eutrophic Reservoir, with a Tentative Sedimentation Model; J.A. Galvez, F.X. Niel. VIII. Impact of Growth Factors on Competitive Ability of Blue Green Algae Analysed with Whole-Lake Simulation; O. Varis. IX. Design of Limnological Observations for Detecting Processes in Lakes and Reservoirs; J. Kettunen. X. Remote Sensing Estimation of Total Chlorophyll Pigments Distribution in Barra Bonita Reservoir; M.L.M.E. Novo, F.Z.C. Braga, J.G. Tundisi. Part III: Reservoir Water Quality Management. XI. Succession of Fish Communities in Reservoirs of Central and East Europe; J. Kubecka. XII. Framework for Investigation and Evaluation of Reservoir Water Quality in Czechoslovakia; M. Straškraba et al. Part IV: Conclusions. XIII. State-of-the-Art of Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality Management; M. Straškraba, J. Tundisi, A. Duncan. Index.