Everything does not have to be fully customized and flexible even when company is operating based on engineer-to-order product delivery strategy. Company can achieve significant benefits by standardizing and modularizing some subassemblies and systems of the complex final products. This research work investigates and discusses the benefits achieved and drawbacks caused in product subassembly standardization when a company is operating based on engineer-to-order product delivery strategy. The topic is considered based on real-life case example of company ABB. This book is useful reading especially for students, researchers and professionals interested in product standardization and modularization, value chain development as well as manufacturing and supply chain strategies in general.
Timo Rossi holds a M.Sc. in Economics (Industrial Management) from University of Vaasa and a B.Sc. in Mechanical and Production Engineering from Vaasa University of Applied Sciences. He is working at ABB with strategic sourcing and supply chain development. He has also worked with product development, design and production development.