Following Einstein's sentence: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough," this book puts a spotlight on the complex marketing ecosystem from a physicist's point of view. Today's marketing world is overcomplex; CMOs face the challenge to transform their current target operating models towards a 100% customer-centric and data-driven way of working. A journey from good old mad-men toward math-men marketing. This book consists of three parts: The first part strips down the complexity of the marketing universe to the leanest frame of reference and then brings back the complexity, step by step, in single dimensions. Part two and three just follow these thoughts and provide a detailed description of 56 small atoms that can be used in a maturity assessment of your marketing. How to use them in a broader transformation concludes the book. In summary: An end-2-end guideline how to pursue and master the transformation from mad-men towards a math-men marketing operating model.
Mathias Elsässer is Partner for "CMO Advisory" and member of the customer-centric-transformation leadership team at PricewaterhouseCoopers Germany. He has over 23 years of professional and managerial experience in Consulting. Elsässer worked for global organizations across the Retail, Consumer Goods, Entertainment, Automotive, and Banking/Insurance industries and managed strategy, business, and IT consulting projects for major European companies accross the world. He is known for his innovative way of using physics within marketing and has been invited as speaker to OMR, dmexco, dreamforce, cebit, etc. He also supports lectures at various universities (HSG, HFU, FAU, ISM). Mathias Elsässer earned an executive MBA in 2005 and a Physics Diploma in 1997.