World over children's enrollment and grade retention in preschool has been debated quite a lot. So far this has necessitated many studies to answer questions such as: What is the right age to enroll children for preschool care? What experiences should they be exposed to which are developmentally appropriate? Once children are in such centers, should they be subjected to grade retention or not? The many questions may not be adequately answered unless factors behind low enrollment and grade retention are explored scientifically. Most disturbed and troubled are the researchers, educationist, childcare workers, policy makers and teachers. This work presents reliable and elaborate findings documented as a result of research. Specific reference is on how parents socioeconomic status influence enrollment and retention of children in Early Childhood Education Centers.
Kennedy Okumu Oluoch, MA (Early Childhood Education): Kenyatta University. He is currently a teacher employed by Teachers' Service Commission and also a part time lecturer at Great Lakes University of Kisumu, Kenya. In the Department of Education, Faculty of Arts and Science.