A Framework for Intelligent Situation Analysis, FISA, is proposed. The main contribution of that framework is providing situation awareness in the domain of political disputes. To our knowledge, it is the first attempt for solving political disputes by crossing the gap between the looseness of political situations specifications and the tightness of logical formal methods. Other contributions include exploiting Communicating Sequential Processing, CSP, and the fairness of Linear Temporal Logic, LTL, to provide formal modeling for discovering starvation and deadlock situations. In this respect, the machine-based generation of the CSP processes that represents the situation model is an essential characteristic of the proposed framework. Actually, FISA is capable to answer questions about how to make situation change(s) (based on fairness satisfaction) in order to solve the nondeterminism in the underlying model situations.
Dr. Samer Nabil is a researcher at national research center, Egypt. He received his BS from Military Technical College in 1988, MSc from Al.Azhar University on 2005 and PhD from Cairo University in Jun 2013 all in Computer Engineering. His fields of interest include data mining, knowledge discovery, pattern analysis and machine intelligence.