InhaltsangabeL'idée de dimension (1943).- Topology and Algebra (1943).- Complex-analytic manifolds (1950).- Homotopie et dualité (1956).- Groupes d'homotopie et dualité (1958).- Homotopy and Cohomology Theory (1962).- Simple Homotopy Type and Categories of Fractions (1970).- Some Recent Developments in the Homology Theory of Groups (1980).- Poincaré Duality Groups of Dimension 2 are Surface Groups (1986).- Continuous Solutions of Linear Equations (1991).- Mathematics: Questions and Answers (1994).- Hurwitz-Radon Matrices Revisited (1994).- Birth of Fibre Spaces, and Homotopy (1996).- 4-Manifolds, Group Invariants, and l2-Betti Numbers (1997).- The Euler characteristic - some Highlights in its History.- Topology, Algebra, Analysis - Relations and Missing Links (1999).- Introduction to Hilbert Space Methods in Topology (2000).- Die Zukunft der Mathematik (Hilbert 1900) (2000).- A.N. Kolmogorov (2003).- Is Algebraic Topology a Respectable Field? (2004).- Social Choice and Topology (2004).