"Europeanization" is a widely used yet contested concept, particularly popular among scholars of European integration studies. With regard to processes of political change within the European Community and/or the European Union, Europeanization on the one hand describes the formal transfer of national sovereignty to the EC/EU level, the development of (European) institutions and the formulation of European policy. On the other, Europeanization denotes the impact of European policy on the domestic level, particularly in EC and EU member states. In this volume, historians, political scientists and linguists investigate the possibilities and limitations of Europeanization processes in both past and present, frequently addressing the assumed relationship between Europeanization and socialization. The chapters focus on Europeanization processes in the field of EC/EU foreign policy, within European institutions such as the European Parliament and in epistemic communities, as well as on the impacts of Europeanization on national political structures and actors. "Europäisierung" ist ein weit verbreiteter, aber ebenso umstrittener Begriff, der sich insbesondere in der Forschung zur europäischen Integration großer Beliebtheit erfreut. Aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher Disziplinen werden in diesem Band die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des komplexen Europäisierungsprozesses untersucht und der Zusammenhang zwischen Europäisierung und Sozialisierung wird thematisiert. Die Beiträge befassen sich unter anderem mit Europäisierungsprozessen im Bereich der EG/EU-Außenpolitik, in europäischen Institutionen wie dem Europäischen Parlament, in epistemischen Gemeinschaften sowie den Auswirkungen von Europäisierung auf nationale politische Strukturen und Akteure.
Gabriele Clemens is professor for modern Western European history at the University of Hamburg, and holder of a Jean Monnet Chair for European integration history and European studies. Her current research focuses on the history of the European integration process, European foreign policy and European public relations.