Want to build a happier, more prosperous financial life? All it takes is 5 or 10 minutes a day for the next 77 days. Really. Some days you receive a brief financial lessions; others you will learn about yourself. And on still others you will learn a few simply steps to ake. By day 77, you will not be thinking of money not as a burden, but something that's connected to your life. And the conversation will only make you happier and richer -- leading the life you want to live.
JONATHAN CLEMENTS is the founder of and author of seven earlier personal finance books, including How to Think About Money. He sits on the advisory board and investment committee of Creative Planning, one of the country's largest independent financial advisors. Jonathan spent almost 20 years at The Wall Street Journal and worked for six years at Citigroup, where he was Director of Financial Education for Citi Personal Wealth Management.