InhaltsangabeDo Categories Have Politics? The Language/Action Perspective Reconsidered; L. Suchman. COLA: a Lightweight Platform for CSCW; J. Trevor, T. Rodden, G. Blair. Sharing To-Do Lists with a Distributed Task Manager; T. Kreifelts, E. Hinrichs, G. Woetzel. Supporting the Design Process within an Organisational Context; B. Anderson, G. Button, W. Sharrock. Improving Software Quality through Computer Supported Collaborative Review; P. Johnson, D. Tjahjono. Design for Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing Environments; V. Bellotti, A. Sellen. The Designer's Notepad: Supporting and Understanding Cooperative Design; M. Twidale, T. Rodden, I. Sommerville. A Spatial Model of Interaction in Large Virtual Environments; S. Benford, L. Fahlén. Culture and Control in a Media Space; P. Dourish. TOSCA Providing Organisational Information to CSCW Applications; W. Prinz. Unpacking Collabortion: the Interactional Organisation of Trading in a City Dealing Room; C. Heath, M. Jirotka, P. Luff, J. Hindmarsh. Analyzing Cooperative Work in an Urban Traffic Control Room for the Design of a Coordination Support System; G. Filippi, J. Theureau. Design for Unanticipated Use.; M. Robinson. Low Overhead, Loosely Coupled Communication Channels in Collaboration; D. Patel, S.D. Kalter. A Model for Semi-(a)Synchronous Collaborative Editing; S. Minör, B. Magnusson. Informed Opportunism as Strategy: Supporting Coordination in Distributed Collaborative Writing; E.E. Beck, V. Bellotti. Support for Collaborative Authoring via Electronic Mail: the MESSIE Environment; M.A. Sasse, M.J. Handley, Shaw Cheng Chuang. Participating Equality and Influence: Cues and Status in Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Groups; S.P. Weisband, S.K. Schneider, T. Connolly. The Use ofBreakdown Analysis in Synchronous CSCW System Design; S. Pongutá Urquijo, S.A.R. Scrivener, H.K. Palmén. An Ethnography of Graphic Design; D. Murray. Building Shared Graphical Editors using the Abstraction-Link-View Paradigm; T. Brinck, R. Hill. Beyond Videophones: TeamWorkStation-2 for Narrowband ISDN; H. Ishii, K. Arita, T. Yagi. Bringing Media Spaces into the Real World; D.S. Pagani, W.E. Mackay. ECSCW '93 Directory: Authors and Committee Members.