The theme of quality of working life has been discussed in recent years with more intensity, mainly due to changes in the workplace related to wear the quality of life of individuals in various industries. This perception are teachers of higher education in the Amazon, awakening a sharper look at the need for studies that deal knowing the quality of working life of these professionals, represented in this analysis by diseases of the Federal University of the West of Para, created with the mission of expanding higher education in the Amazon region. Reading this book should be especially useful for teachers, managers in higher education, health professionals (doctors and nurses work) and safety engineers at work, or any other person who considers the importance of the subject. Since this tends to arouse in the reader the opportunity to understand the current ratio of teachers with the working environment in order that this may affect the quality of life of this professional and the quality of higher education which are inserted.
Franciane Santana is a nurse job, a degree in nursing by UEPA, health specialist family by UFCSPA. Degree in forest engineering from UFRA, an expert on sustainable development in the Amazon by UFOPA. Author of "Medicinal plants: knowledge and practices of Alter do Chao dwellers in the Amazon". Currently holds teacher activity in CEPES.