Mangrove Dynamics and Management in North Brazil

Ecological Studies 211

Saint-Paul, Ulrich / Schneider, /
Erschienen am 01.12.2013
CHF 257,00
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ISBN/EAN: 9783642265082
Sprache: Englisch
Auflage: 1. Auflage


InhaltsangabePART I: Introduction 1. The Need for a Holistic Approach in Mangrove Research and Management U. SaintPaul and H. Schneider 2. MADAM, Concept and Reality U. SaintPaul PART II: Geography and Biogeochemistry 3. Geography of the Bragança Region G. Krause 3.1. Background and Scope 3.2. Spatial Boundaries 3.3. Principal Features of the Natural and Social System 3.4. CoEvolutionary Outcomes of the Natural and Social Dynamics References 4. Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction H. Behling, M. Cohen, R.J. Lara, and V. Vedel 4.1. Coastal Region of Northern Brazil 4.2. Holocene Environmental Changes 4.3. Model of Bragança Mangrove Development 4.4. Holocene Coastal Dynamics References 5. The Biogeochemistry of the Caeté Mangrove-Shelf System B. Koch, T. Dittmar, and R.J. Lara 5.1. Introduction and Overview 5.2. Sediment Processes 5.3. The Outwelling of Detritus and Decomposition Products into Coastal Waters 5.4. The Fate of Mangrove-Outwelling on the Continental Shelf 5.5. Concluding Remarks References PART III: Floristic and Faunistic Studies in Mangroves 6. Mangrove Vegetation of the Caeté Estuary U. Mehlig, M.P.M. Menezes, A. Reise, and E. Medina 6.1. Floristics and Forest Structure 6.2. Litterfall and Phenology 6.3. Dendrochronological Studies of Rhizophora mangle Tree 6.4. SoilVegetation Nutrient Relations 6.5. Concluding Remarks and Outlook References 7. Mangrove Infauna and Sessile Epifauna C.R. Beasley, M.E.B. Fernandes, E.A.G. Figueira, D.S. Sampaio, K.R. Melo, and R.S. Barros 7.1. Introduction 7.2. The Infauna of the Mangrove Forest at the Furo Grande Tidal Creek 7.3. Comparison of the Benthic Fauna among Sites with Differing Degrees of Degradation 7.4. Settlement of the Tidal Creek Epifauna in the Caeté Mangrove Estuary 7.5. Differences in Settlement of Epibenthos between Mangrove and Tidal Creek Habitats 7.6. Conclusions References PART IV: Dynamics in the Mangrove System 8. Drivers of Temporal Changes in Mangrove VegetationBoundaries and Consequences for Land Use R.J. Lara, M. Cohen, and C. Szlafsztein 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Influence of Inundation Frequency and Sediment Salinity on Wetland Structure 8.3. Changes in Current Vegetation Units: Boundaries, Ecotone Shifts and Consequences for Land Use References 9. System Processes and Forest Development U. Berger and M. Wolff 9.1. The Interlink between the Modelling Approaches 9.2. Trophic Pathways 9.3. Forest Dynamics under Different Natural Disturbance Regimes 9.4. Conclusions References 10. Synoptic Analyses of Mangroves for Coastal Zone Management G. Krause and M. Bock 10.1. Background and Scope 10.2. Research strategy 10.3. Change Dynamics 10.4. Classification of Mangrove Patterns 10.5. Potential Contributions to Coastal Zone Management References PART V: Ecology and Fishery of Fin-Fish in the Mangrove System 11. Distribution Pattern of Fish in a Mangrove Estuary M. Barletta and U. Saint-Paul 11.1. Seasonal Changes in the Caeté Estuary 11.2. Fish Assemblage Patterns References 12. Dynamics in Mangrove Fish Assemblages on a Macrotidal Coast U. Krumme and U. Saint-Paul 12.1. Introduction 12.2. Environmental Setting 12.3. Nekton Sampling in Macrotidal Environments 12.4. Trends in Species Richness, Biomass and Density along a Shoreline Gradient 12.5. Composition of Transients 12.6. Tidal Movements 12.7. Tidal and Diel Changes in The Intertidal Fish Assemblages 12.8. TidetoTide, Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly Variation in Abundance, Catch Weight and Species Richness of Transients 12.9. Patterns in Feeding 12.10. Spatial Patterns in the Intertidal Fish Fauna 12.11. Implications for Future Research and Long-Term Monitoring References 13. An Evaluation of the Larval Fish Assemblage A. BarlettaBergan 13.1. Value of Mangroves and Estuaries as Nurseries 13.2. First Ichthyoplankton Survey 13.3. A North Brazilian Larval Fish Community

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